The Garden in September
August was a month of weeding. The crabgrass started to flower, which made it easy to get rid of it. I think I’m keeping the weeds under control – enough.
Highlights as of September 1:
- The heart-leaved aster has started to flower. This plant has been hit badly by deer and rabbits. It’s one I will probably not be using again. But at least now there’s a flower.
- The little bluestem is reaching its peak. I’m very pleased with how it’s looking now.
- The black eyed Susans just keep going. Great plant to give some colour in the first year.
- Seed pods are appearing on the swamp milkweed. I’ve been pleased to see several Monarch butterflies and one caterpillar so far.
- The slender mountain mint, which I planted about a month ago, is starting to establish. This will be a vigorous grower once it gets going.